Journeying through Anxiety
I wanted to encourage you all with what the Lord has been reveling to me through this journey. I have come to a point where I have been a lot more vunrable in this area. It used to be something I would really hide from other people in fear of what they would think of me. The pressure of perfoemance really got to me.
I realised that we all have our own unique struggles at that we are not perfect, nor do we need to pretent to try to be. I have been slowing being unraveled by God and he is showing me that I can reveal my true self. When we are vunrable it can be scary. I had to throw in a CS Lewis quote in here to sum it all up. When we are vunrable about things in the depths of our hearts it can be scary and there is risk involved. In my case I have being very hurt in the past from opening up to people about my struggles with anxiety with the wrong people. But if we are wise to protect outselves from sharing with the wrong people. We can be vunrable which is such a beautiful thing. We searve a vunrable God who in his love for us is immesurably vunrable, he gives us the oppunituinty to love in the same way with the same vunrability. And that is how we connect love and encourage as human beings.
In missions and predominantly in Uganda at times, I have found prevalent lie occuring in my heart. Being that I have to have it all together, that I can't feel fear and anxiety. I was playing the game of comparasion and thinking that I had to have it together all the time, and if not I wasn't worthy of doing what I was doing. The truth is who has it toghether all of the time. I honestly believe that what I was going through and had been through made such a strong platform for me to come down in a level of vunrability and for God to work through me. I know that was not only the case for me but for the rest of my team. There were times I got so fustrated and felt so guilty trying to fight it. But God was telling me to stop striving. and just to be me
Psalm 46:10 (NASB)
Cease striving and knmow that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
I realised that we all have our own unique struggles at that we are not perfect, nor do we need to pretent to try to be. I have been slowing being unraveled by God and he is showing me that I can reveal my true self. When we are vunrable it can be scary. I had to throw in a CS Lewis quote in here to sum it all up. When we are vunrable about things in the depths of our hearts it can be scary and there is risk involved. In my case I have being very hurt in the past from opening up to people about my struggles with anxiety with the wrong people. But if we are wise to protect outselves from sharing with the wrong people. We can be vunrable which is such a beautiful thing. We searve a vunrable God who in his love for us is immesurably vunrable, he gives us the oppunituinty to love in the same way with the same vunrability. And that is how we connect love and encourage as human beings.
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
We are all on a journey. and that journey can be hard at times. We can feel like we are plodding uphill for miles with no direction then suddenly we are at the top, and the battle seems over for a while. Then we realise there is another mountain right in frount of us. For me I have had seasons where it has felt compleatly in control. In those seasons my cofidence levels were shot up, I thought that God was more pleased with me and that I must me trusting me more so he is rewarding me with his peace. I would blame myself and try to read more of the bible and pray more but it did'nt seem to work. I would work so hard at trying to get out of those tough seasons when my anxiety levels seemed high and thought there was something wrong with me.
In missions and predominantly in Uganda at times, I have found prevalent lie occuring in my heart. Being that I have to have it all together, that I can't feel fear and anxiety. I was playing the game of comparasion and thinking that I had to have it together all the time, and if not I wasn't worthy of doing what I was doing. The truth is who has it toghether all of the time. I honestly believe that what I was going through and had been through made such a strong platform for me to come down in a level of vunrability and for God to work through me. I know that was not only the case for me but for the rest of my team. There were times I got so fustrated and felt so guilty trying to fight it. But God was telling me to stop striving. and just to be me
Psalm 46:10 (NASB)
Cease striving and knmow that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
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