
Showing posts from May, 2014

Boy Talk

To all the single girls who love God... Properly ever since I was about 13 I really started struggling with boys and wanting to feel appreciated and loved by them. I really put my value in them and what they thought of me. I would base my emotions on how they would treat me and I always seemed to have to like someone and it gave me a sense of security. I really had a wake up call when I liked someone and I really craved attention from him and I really put my value and worth in him. Someone who didn't really care that much and to be perfectly honest just really wasn't suited to me. So for all you girls hopelessly crushing on someone and putting your worth and value in them and their time and attention. If your not receiving that back its not worth it. God has someone really special planned for you who will like you back and pursue you. So please don't put your value on what that one boy thinks of you. It doesn't ...


What does Grace mean? I'm sure most of us all know what it means but how do we accept it? To be honest this has been a big problem for me for a long time and properly one for a lot of you as well.  In this world where everyone tells us we have to succeed and work hard at everything we do and for everything we get no wonder its so hard for us to understand the concept of grace. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift  Of God.  Meaning unlike most things in this world we don't need to earn grace it is freely given, we are made righteous through Jesus.  2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. It is a gift that is freely given and it is there for us when we slip up. As humans we still have flesh and worldly desires and silly thoughts that bombard our heads from time to time. I am not saying at all that we should ...

Growing Pains

Last year I went through a really hard time in my life. I was always the happy girl who looked like she had it all together. Then I ended up coming down with depression which was really hard for me. Through that I grew so much closer to god and I got to know him and really grasp onto how much he loves me and he was there with me through everything. I saw his light shine brighter than I ever had before . So I'm going to break it down and tell you guys 5 things I learned and how I grew from this experience. 1 Gods plan and purpose prevails Proverbs 19:21 21 We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails . Although its sometimes hard to understand his will is perfect and is plans are so much better than ours. I really had in my head my own desires and I put them above his. But to be honest a lot of the things we plan in our heads and things that we want to happen are only hurting us and not helping us. We always tend to plan out things but then...

Positive Body Image: My story

I wasn't going to share this but I think I need to be brave and speak up about this because, it is a serious issue effecting many young ladies across the world. This is such a touchy topic but Body image effects us all in one way or another. This is such a big part of my testimony. But I was too ashamed to share it with anyone in the past so I tried to ... cover it up. When I was younger and I had a coach who had a major impact on my body image and what I thought about myself. He told me that I needed to lose weight. This guy had no idea what he was talking about. It really hurt me when he even got me on the scales and told me to lose 6 kilos and get my weight into to the 50s. I was about 16 then and with my build that would have made me very unhealthy. He kept comparing me some other girls who skied faster than me, Telling me that If I lose that weight that I would perform better, which was so wrong. I remember winning a medal at a big race, having the best day ever and him t...

Trusting God In Life, sports and all things....

Isn't it hard when everyone around you seems to be doing really well and you seem to be stuck in the same place? I remember feeling like this and still do in life a lot of the time. I ski and live for God and his glory so doesn't that mean I should always be doing well? Look at everyone else their not injured and look at how well their doing. Was what I was thinking when, I came to America last November. Feeling great after a really good season in NZ before that, and hungry for success. I also wanted to prove and show off how much I had improved and how well I was doing. I was expectant of God to do what he did in New Zealand and make me make rapid improvements. I trusted got then, so I thought the same would happen when I got to America. In New Zealand I decided that God gifted me with my gift in skiing, and to give it to him. He really blessed me and came through in my skiing. I am still blown away by what happened that season. I saw his power and li...