Continuum Conference Part 1 (Gods Power And Healing')
Hey guys I said I would share with you all a testimony about my conference experience. I was at Continuum Conference about 2 weeks ago which was amazing. I really felt though I needed time before I wrote on it. God really spoke to me a lot during and after the conference and I also managed to find some time to really rest in him and soak in his presence and his word.
I witnessed some amazing things including healings, which completely blew me away. We had Andrew Kubala speaking, who has had a massive healing himself from leukemia which he was diagnosed with at the age of 13 then he spent the next 5 years in and out of hospital, and was given a 10% chance of survival!!!
He absolutely blew me away at the conference. At one point he had us put out hands up and asked
if we needed healing from anything. I hesitated and left it down for a while. knowing I did need healing on my shoulder. (Which I damaged last year skiing.) And thinking it was not a big deal and that God was more focused on the bigger things.
I found myself with my hand up and the next minute on stage. Along with a group of others who needed healing too. There was a young lady with scoliosis who was up there as well. She had Andrew pray along with the rest of the conference. And the impossible happened. Her leg grew roughly around half an inch!! I was completely blown away (along with the rest of the conference) not only that but she also crossed her legs and touched her toes. These are things that she hadn't done in about 10 years!!! It was crazy to witness that.
So we all prayed on the stage for each other and out injury's on our own and Andrew held the microphone to me and asked me what I needed healing in I was rather embarrassed to be honest, my shoulder injury was nothing compared to having scoliosis!! I told him that I hurt it badly and that I needed surgery, I told him that I wasn't going to come up because I didn't think that it was important enough. and how I somehow ended up on the stage and that It must have been God who god me up there. He told me that nothing is impossible with God and gave me an additional high 5 for getting up there. Well more for the fact that God got me up there haha...
I then returned to my seat and felt my shoulder free up which was astonishing!! I forgot how locked in my has shoulder felt before then. It felt like it did before I ever injured it. In amazement I decided to move it around to see what would happen. To my surprise I could move my shoulder right back without having it give out on me like it normally would. I then further started moving it around in different positions that hadn't been able to do since the injury.
I week later I went to Wanaka to go to the shoulder specialist. I had to go and discuss surgery and weigh out options after my mri scan a few months before that. He was very surprised when it came to testing my shoulder for movement and pain. When he put my shoulder in all the positions that were once painful and that I couldn't even do without popping out. And it was fine he seemed very surprised and also informed me that I could hold off surgery and possibly not get it at all anymore!!
So I even though my shoulders not quite perfect yet. It has come a long way and the seemly impossible has happened with it. I also learned nothing is too small for out God. And that he can heal and do amazing things. This build up an immense trust for me in him!!!
God is only limited by us!! We need to see him as able!!! When we believe in his strength and power and place that trust in him that's when we see him moving and doing amazing things
I'm gonna finish this with Jemeriah 32:27 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Awesome huh?
I witnessed some amazing things including healings, which completely blew me away. We had Andrew Kubala speaking, who has had a massive healing himself from leukemia which he was diagnosed with at the age of 13 then he spent the next 5 years in and out of hospital, and was given a 10% chance of survival!!!
He absolutely blew me away at the conference. At one point he had us put out hands up and asked
if we needed healing from anything. I hesitated and left it down for a while. knowing I did need healing on my shoulder. (Which I damaged last year skiing.) And thinking it was not a big deal and that God was more focused on the bigger things.
I found myself with my hand up and the next minute on stage. Along with a group of others who needed healing too. There was a young lady with scoliosis who was up there as well. She had Andrew pray along with the rest of the conference. And the impossible happened. Her leg grew roughly around half an inch!! I was completely blown away (along with the rest of the conference) not only that but she also crossed her legs and touched her toes. These are things that she hadn't done in about 10 years!!! It was crazy to witness that.
So we all prayed on the stage for each other and out injury's on our own and Andrew held the microphone to me and asked me what I needed healing in I was rather embarrassed to be honest, my shoulder injury was nothing compared to having scoliosis!! I told him that I hurt it badly and that I needed surgery, I told him that I wasn't going to come up because I didn't think that it was important enough. and how I somehow ended up on the stage and that It must have been God who god me up there. He told me that nothing is impossible with God and gave me an additional high 5 for getting up there. Well more for the fact that God got me up there haha...
I then returned to my seat and felt my shoulder free up which was astonishing!! I forgot how locked in my has shoulder felt before then. It felt like it did before I ever injured it. In amazement I decided to move it around to see what would happen. To my surprise I could move my shoulder right back without having it give out on me like it normally would. I then further started moving it around in different positions that hadn't been able to do since the injury.
I week later I went to Wanaka to go to the shoulder specialist. I had to go and discuss surgery and weigh out options after my mri scan a few months before that. He was very surprised when it came to testing my shoulder for movement and pain. When he put my shoulder in all the positions that were once painful and that I couldn't even do without popping out. And it was fine he seemed very surprised and also informed me that I could hold off surgery and possibly not get it at all anymore!!
So I even though my shoulders not quite perfect yet. It has come a long way and the seemly impossible has happened with it. I also learned nothing is too small for out God. And that he can heal and do amazing things. This build up an immense trust for me in him!!!
God is only limited by us!! We need to see him as able!!! When we believe in his strength and power and place that trust in him that's when we see him moving and doing amazing things
I'm gonna finish this with Jemeriah 32:27 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Awesome huh?
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