
Showing posts from 2014

Trusting God And Expecting Good

I feel that god really put it on my heart to write about this. In life sometimes we get disappointed when things don't turn out the way we expect and we lose hope and we lose heart. I want to encourage you that no matter what your situation is god has your back and he's not giving up on you!! If you trust him he will turn things around and give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4-5 Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you the desires of your heart .   Commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will do this I find it's easy to trust god when things look good and breakthrough is happening, when things ARE moving. BUT sometimes we get stuck in these  still places where nothing seems to be happening and we start to lose hope. I have found  that was the case with me. When things started getting tough I stated growing weary and not been as expectant as I was before from it. It's easy to do this, to lose heart and become weary but...

Boy Talk Part 2

This is my Boy Talk part 2. I really went deeper into some real life situations that a lot of Christian girls face, and tried my best to answer them through personal experiences and some of my own research. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions. Hope you enjoy it!!! I really want to encourage you girls not to settle for anything less than what you deserve. Your worth is in God who is trustworthy and good. He sees you as his beautiful daughter. No matter what any guy says or thinks nothing can change that. Your value is in him who is above all things. Nothing anyone says can ever compare to the love he has for you. I encourage you to let go of what's hurting you and hold onto God and he will come though and bring what he has promised. I see girls putting their worth into guys who don't treat them well and not having the strength to walk away. They think their value lies in them and what they have to say about them and in the way they...

The Power Of Your Words

Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit Hey I want to encourage you with this verse. It popped up in my head after last night at C3 we had a visiting pastor pray for me. As he was praying he said to me that he can tell that I have been hurt in the past and that people have said some negative things so me. but I need to try to let go of that and listen to God and be who he made me to be. And not care what ... others think of me. It was crazy he saw that without me discussing anything about that to him!!! I find it cool how God speaks to us through people. It also made me come to the realization that I need to watch what I say a little more Proverbs 18:8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts. It really hurts and cuts down deep when someone has something negative about you. Especially when its behind your back. It made me come to the conclusion that I really need to ...

Continiumm Confernce Part 2 (Following Not Striving)

Coming up to part 2 I am going to talk about the benefits of resting in Jesus and about giving up your struggle and fight for the faith that has already BEEN paid for!! I learned the value of resting in him and really being reminded of my salvation and of Why he saved me. Our salvation is not earned, it is givin to us he paid the price for all of us. Romans 3:24 (NIV) and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Meaning that we are all accepted and made righteous in the sight of God. For a while I have been struggling and trying to earn my salvation and trying to do things to make it look like I was being a better Christian. It was exhausting and wearing me out. I soon came to the realization that I already am accepted and that I don't need to strive for my faith anymore. And that I don't need to try to wear myself out to try to impress him, and that I can enter into his rest. This verse really helped me Hebrews 4:11 (NIV) Let...

Continuum Conference Part 1 (Gods Power And Healing')

Hey guys I said I would share with you all a testimony about my conference experience.  I was at Continuum Conference about 2 weeks ago which was amazing. I really felt though I needed time before I wrote on it. God really spoke to me a lot during and after the conference and I also managed to find some time to really rest in him and soak in his presence and his word. I witnessed some amazing things including healings, which completely blew me away. We had Andrew Kubala speaking, who has had a massive healing himself from leukemia which he was diagnosed with at the age of 13 then he spent the next 5 years in and out of hospital, and was given a 10%  chance of survival!!! He absolutely blew me away at the conference. At one point he had us put out hands up and asked  if we needed healing from anything.  I hesitated and left it down for a while. knowing I did need healing on my shoulder. (Which I damaged last year skiing.) And thinking it was...

Trusting and Praising God When Things Don't Go As Planned

Today was a hard day for me today. Firstly I went in for my driving test for the 2nd time and unfortunately failed again. It was on a tricky corner which I couldn't see on and I had a car pull out in front of me. Also I had my teacher say that I had to skip more skiing to catch up with school. Along with various other things stacking up I can safely say that life had been quite stressful lately... Going through times like these its sooo important to stick to God and trust him. His word says.. John 16:33 New International Version (NIV) 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Despite my circumstance's God has given me amazing peace during this time. The bible talks about Gods peace a lot but its hard to hold onto that concept when things are going right. John 14:27 (AKJV) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Le...

Feeling like your not good enough? Read this....

Have you ever felt like you don't measure up? I know I have and its so hard not to fall into the trap of finding our worth in other people. lets be honest its hard and not worth it. I feel that God has been speaking to me about this for a little while now. So I thought I'd share it with you guys. To be honest its still a bit of struggle for me today. We need to find our worth in him and him alone. God loves unconditionally, so it doesn't matter how much we get noticed  Getting noticed doesn't increase your value it just feeds your insecurity. Okay this sounds a little crazy but Imagine if you stayed at home all day and didn't have to see anyone on a day to day basis. Although I know this sounds unrealistic and not many of us could do that. How long would you then sit in fount of the mirror for? How long would it take you to get ready? how many times would you change your outfit? Its a crazy concept that I've been think about lately, and it goes back to my po...

Boy Talk

To all the single girls who love God... Properly ever since I was about 13 I really started struggling with boys and wanting to feel appreciated and loved by them. I really put my value in them and what they thought of me. I would base my emotions on how they would treat me and I always seemed to have to like someone and it gave me a sense of security. I really had a wake up call when I liked someone and I really craved attention from him and I really put my value and worth in him. Someone who didn't really care that much and to be perfectly honest just really wasn't suited to me. So for all you girls hopelessly crushing on someone and putting your worth and value in them and their time and attention. If your not receiving that back its not worth it. God has someone really special planned for you who will like you back and pursue you. So please don't put your value on what that one boy thinks of you. It doesn't ...


What does Grace mean? I'm sure most of us all know what it means but how do we accept it? To be honest this has been a big problem for me for a long time and properly one for a lot of you as well.  In this world where everyone tells us we have to succeed and work hard at everything we do and for everything we get no wonder its so hard for us to understand the concept of grace. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift  Of God.  Meaning unlike most things in this world we don't need to earn grace it is freely given, we are made righteous through Jesus.  2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. It is a gift that is freely given and it is there for us when we slip up. As humans we still have flesh and worldly desires and silly thoughts that bombard our heads from time to time. I am not saying at all that we should ...

Growing Pains

Last year I went through a really hard time in my life. I was always the happy girl who looked like she had it all together. Then I ended up coming down with depression which was really hard for me. Through that I grew so much closer to god and I got to know him and really grasp onto how much he loves me and he was there with me through everything. I saw his light shine brighter than I ever had before . So I'm going to break it down and tell you guys 5 things I learned and how I grew from this experience. 1 Gods plan and purpose prevails Proverbs 19:21 21 We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails . Although its sometimes hard to understand his will is perfect and is plans are so much better than ours. I really had in my head my own desires and I put them above his. But to be honest a lot of the things we plan in our heads and things that we want to happen are only hurting us and not helping us. We always tend to plan out things but then...

Positive Body Image: My story

I wasn't going to share this but I think I need to be brave and speak up about this because, it is a serious issue effecting many young ladies across the world. This is such a touchy topic but Body image effects us all in one way or another. This is such a big part of my testimony. But I was too ashamed to share it with anyone in the past so I tried to ... cover it up. When I was younger and I had a coach who had a major impact on my body image and what I thought about myself. He told me that I needed to lose weight. This guy had no idea what he was talking about. It really hurt me when he even got me on the scales and told me to lose 6 kilos and get my weight into to the 50s. I was about 16 then and with my build that would have made me very unhealthy. He kept comparing me some other girls who skied faster than me, Telling me that If I lose that weight that I would perform better, which was so wrong. I remember winning a medal at a big race, having the best day ever and him t...

Trusting God In Life, sports and all things....

Isn't it hard when everyone around you seems to be doing really well and you seem to be stuck in the same place? I remember feeling like this and still do in life a lot of the time. I ski and live for God and his glory so doesn't that mean I should always be doing well? Look at everyone else their not injured and look at how well their doing. Was what I was thinking when, I came to America last November. Feeling great after a really good season in NZ before that, and hungry for success. I also wanted to prove and show off how much I had improved and how well I was doing. I was expectant of God to do what he did in New Zealand and make me make rapid improvements. I trusted got then, so I thought the same would happen when I got to America. In New Zealand I decided that God gifted me with my gift in skiing, and to give it to him. He really blessed me and came through in my skiing. I am still blown away by what happened that season. I saw his power and li...